Life Science Syllabus

Life Science Syllabus

Mrs. Ahrndt

1) Be prompt! This means we get to class on time and we’re seated when the bell rings.
2) Be polite! This means we speak respectfully with other students, teachers, and staff.
We listen to and follow the teacher’s directions.
We treat school property with respect.
3) Be prepared! This means we complete our assignments on time!
4) Be a participator! This means we do our part during group work. We take part in class
discussions and activities. We do our own work rather than copy
someone else’s work!

1) Come to class ready to learn. This means you should have a pen/pencil, paper, textbook, and
student handbook with each day.
2) Assignments should be handed in on time. Late assignments will be docked points. (20%)
3) Use your student handbook to record daily assignments.
4) You will need a folder to organize and retain assignments, corrected papers, and handouts.
5) You will conduct yourself in a safe and appropriate manner during activities and labs in the
classroom. Your teacher will let you know before each lab the safety procedures you must
6) You will need a spiral bound notebook with at least 50 pages to use for your science journal.
7) Last but not least, you will be expected to put forth your BEST effort!


Your grade will be based on the accumulation of points on daily assignments, quizzes, tests, dissections, experiments, projects, journals, and behavior. Your grade will consist of three main areas:

10% - Conduct/Behavior, Responsibility
40% - Experiments, Journal Work/Daily Assignments
50% - Test/Quiz/Research Projects

The conduct portion of your grade will be determined on a point system. You will start with five points each day. Behavior/conduct in the classroom as well as preparation for class will determine whether you earn all five points for the day or lose points. Students will lose points for not following class rules and expectations.

The following grading scale will be utilized:

A 94-100% C 73-76%
A- 90-93% C- 70-72%
B+ 87-89% D+ 67-69%
B 83-86% D 63-66%
B- 80-82% D- 60-62%
C+ 77-79% F 0-59%


You will be questioning, observing, and researching the following topics this year in science.

 Cell structure, function, and transport
 Cell reproduction in animals, plants, micro-organisms
 Genetics/Heredity in animals and plants
 Regulation and Behavior in animals
 Diversity and Adaptations in plants, animals, and micro-organisms
 Ecology - ecosystems and communities
 Populations - how different organisms interact within an ecosystem
 Animal Dissection: a higher invertebrate (crayfish, clam, or starfish) and the frog
 Organ Systems - structure and function
 Theory of Evolution - a basic understanding of what it is
 Classification of living things - using and/or creating a dichotomous key

SKILLS: The following list includes some of the skills you will work on developing or
improving this year in science.

 Using the microscope
 Making observations
 Graphing
 Following directions
 Analyzing data
 Collecting data
 Organizing data
 Forming hypotheses
 Drawing conclusions
 Planning experiments
 Identifying variables
 Identifying and making inferences
 Critical thinking
 Applying knowledge to new situations


1. You will be using several different textbooks during the course of the year. It is your responsibility to use these books with care so they are returned in good shape.
2. Your prior knowledge and experiences are great resources for interesting class discussions. As you learn new things make connections with what you already know (prior knowledge) and share them with the rest of the class in our discussions.
3. If you are having difficulty in science class, please talk with me. I am available after school until 4:30 pm during first semester. During second semester I am available before and after school. Come in for some additional help!
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