The Community Education Advisory Council is composed of citizens from within the boundaries of the school district. The Council functions in cooperation with Community Education staff in an advisory capacity to promote the goals and objectives of Community Education.
Council Members:
Bjorn Bakke (President)
Brent Grube
Erin Honebrink
Sarah Jaeger (Member at Large)
Amanda Ness (Member at Large)
Lucas Olson
Laura Ostlie (President Elect)
Tami Schwendemann
Carrie Storlien
Kerry Wilcox
Paul Carruth, School Board Rep
Eric Peterson, School Board Rep
Taylor Samuelson, Youth Rep
Greta Szszur, Youth Rep
Shelly Vergin, Ex-Officio - Community Ed Director
Chrysees Forbord, Ex-Officio - ECFE
Carissa McDonald, Ex-Officio - Discovery Kids
The purposes of the Community Education Advisory Council, as set forth in its bylaws are:
*To recommend areas of program development
*To expand and improve communications between the school and various community groups and agencies.
*To promote the Community Education philosophy of lifelong learning for all ages
*To recommend appropriate Community Education program budgets.
The Advisory Council meets four times a year. Adult members are asked to serve 3-year terms, youth 1-year terms; each renewable for a 2nd term.