Course Offerings

Ag Explorations I

Open to 9th and 10th grades

Where would you be without agriculture? Ag Explorations I serves as the foundation to Benson’s Agricultural Education program. Students will identify the importance and impact of the agriculture industry. In addition, students will study basic plant science, animal science, and welding. Also, students will learn about some of the products and by-products of the agriculture industry. Students students will have the opportunity to participate in FFA activities and will take part in a SAE program as part of this course.

Ag Explorations II

Open to 9th and 10th grades

11th and 12th grades (with instructor permission)

This class serves as a continuation of Ag Explorations I. In this class, students will learn how to evaluate livestock and meat products, identify crops and their uses, and basic concrete and wiring principles. Students will also explore more non-traditional aspects of agriculture in identifying fish and wildlife species and learning how to care for your pet. Students will also have a chance to explore agriculture through science by conducting a science experiment. Lastly, students will explore agriculture careers and agriculture around the world. Students will have the opportunity to participate in FFA activities and will take part in a SAE program as part of this course.

Ag Large Animal Science

Open to: 10th, 11th, and 12th grades

In Ag Large Animal Science, students will become more familiar with the production and management of animal enterprises including management of beef, dairy, goats, horses, poultry, swine, sheep. The course will emphasis health and vaccination programs, nutrition, reproduction, livestock evaluation, products from the livestock industry, animal welfare, and careers in the animal science industry. In addition, students will have the opportunity to participate in FFA activities and will take part in a SAE program as part of this course.

Ag Crops and Soils:

Open to: 10th, 11th, and 12th grades

This course will highlight basic principles of soils and crops including a study of basic soil principles, soil testing, fertilizer analysis, and soil erosion practices.  In addition, time will be spent on managing corn production, forage production, small grain production, soybean production, sugar beet production, and careers in the agronomy industry. In addition, students will have the opportunity to participate in FFA activities and will take part in a SAE program as part of this course.

Ag Mechanics:

Open to: 10th, 11th, and 12th grades

In Ag Mechanics, students will be exposed to the principals of energy and electricity, welding, and technology in agriculture. Students will develop an understanding of energy forms in agriculture, wiring basics and tools, and wiring different circuits. In addition, students will learn some basic principles to welding with the SMAW and GMAW welders. Lastly, students will spend time exploring some of the technological advances the agriculture industry has developed. In addition, students will have the opportunity to participate in FFA activities and will take part in a SAE program as part of this course.

Ag 8

What is agriculture? This class serves as an exploration of the agriculture world around us. From the food we eat, the clothes we wear, and places we live, we depend on agriculture. Students will learn about various aspects of agriculture including animals, plants, food, natural resources, and mechanics. Students will have the opportunity to participate in FFA activities and will take part in a SAE program as part of this course.

Ag and Food Chemistry

Open to: 11th and 12th grades

Ag and Food Chemistry has two components, a discussion period and a laboratory period which is designed to give students an opportunity to observe and conduct hands-on experiments. This course will introduce students to the food science industry, sensory evaluation, the scientific process, in addition to the basics of chemistry. This course explains how water, carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, vitamins, and minerals react in foods; biochemical and functional properties, enzymes, food additives and texture as related to properties in food systems and during processing.  Student will also be introduced to food science through trends and product development. In addition, students will have the opportunity to participate in FFA activities and will take part in a SAE program as part of this course.

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