Northside Elementary Home

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Northside Elementary

1800 W. Nevada Ave. Benson, MN 56215
Contact Us: 
Northside Elementary Office 
Garrett Schmidt - EC-5 Principal 
Mary Kent - Secretary 
Phone: 320-842-2717 
Fax: 320-843-5300 

Welcome to Northside Elementary School

Hello, Northside Parents and Students!

We hope everyone had a safe and enjoyable summer with friends and family! At Northside, we are gearing up for another great year of learning and cannot wait for 1st-5th grade students to begin school on August 30th; and Kindergarten to begin September 1st. The Northside staff has put in countless hours throughout the summer to provide a quality education for our students!

  • The school day runs from 8:10 am - 2:55 pm.
  • We ask that students do not arrive at school until after 7:45 am
  • Once dropped off, students may grab breakfast and head outside to the playground
  • Every Kindergarten through 3rd Grade student will be provided with an iPad to use throughout the school day; every 4th and 5th Grade student will be provided with a Chromebook.
  • Open House: August 25th 4:00 pm-7:30 pm
  • Pictures will be taken during open house with order forms available on site
  • There will be another date to take pictures if your child is unavailable August 25th
  • ECFE will have a registration table set up near our main entrance

This year is going to be one of a kind and the entire Northside staff is looking forward to the challenge. With your help, we can ensure a safe and positive learning environment for our students.  If you have any questions/concerns you can contact me at
[email protected] or call the Northside office at (320) 842-2717.


Garrett Schmidt

Northside Elementary Principal



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